Knowledge is acquired through experience, everything else is just information.
Albert Einstein
According to several studies, our professional success depends on: > 80% of our ability to have personal impact as well as our way of interacting with others – skills that correspond to what we commonly call “soft skills”, > 20% of technical knowledge (hard skills).
I run Soft Skills workshops for companies as well as for business and engineering and business schools.
At the center of my teaching are “soft skills”, cultural differences to be exploited as an asset in a multicultural team. I am not conveying the concept of a learned society, but the awareness to be at the center of a human adventure. All the themes of the workshops will be tested through scenarios.
Themes of the workshops offered in French and English:
- Multiculturel workshops:
Our beliefs and stereotypes,
Our cultural fields, history and influence,
Explore cultural difference as an asset,
Work with different nationalities,
Accept your difference and the difference of others.
Work in uncertainty:
Adapt to a constantly changing world,
Find your place and move forward in a context of crisis,
The art of right effort.
Work effectively in a team:
Communication levels in a group,
Bringing out maturity: what place for me in the midst of others?
- Engagement, Leadership, Team spirit
Report to authority,
- Styles of Management
Soft skills or emotional intelligence:
- Emotions at work
The 3 brains: cortex, limbic and reptilian,
Our mental preferences (Ned Hermann),
Our avoidance and resource strategies,
Diagram of the reaction to stress: fight, flee, stay and take,
Non-violent communication.
The art of communicating:
From reality to language: 4 laws of communication,
Verbal / para-verbal / non-verbal communication,
Active listening,
Non-violent communication,
Ten ways to smoothly unblock the situation,
Knowing how to talk about yourself (Pitch).
Linking meaning and action:
Understand your needs,
Find meaning at work.
Act as a Manager-Coach:
Group spirit and cohesion:
Collective and individual performance,
Delegation: Accountability,
- Feedback.
Solve the problem at the right level:
Define the root of the problem: the tree of causes,
Learn to analyze complex problems: prioritization, structuring,
Deliverables, scope, constraints,
To pose the problem at the right level of ambition: resources, allocated time.
Find creative solutions as a team
Learn to propose solutions, either in rupture or in continuous improvement,
Foster team creativity / collaboration.